Registered Office Address

You must provide a registered office address during your application to incorporate a company. A registered office address refers to the place where all communications and notices to the company are addressed to, and the place where the company’s register and records are kept.

A registered office must be operational and accessible to the public during normal office hours, but need not be where the company conducts its activities (e.g. the registered office address may be in Raffles Place but the factory could be located in Tuas).


The constitution is a legal document that:

  • Describes the key characteristics of the company.
  • Contains the rules and regulations for its governance.
  • Describes how its operations will be carried out.
  • States the rights and responsibilities of the directors, shareholders and company secretary.

A copy of your company’s constitution must be submitted when applying to incorporate your company.

If you do not wish to create your own constitution, you may choose to adopt the Model Constitution (PDF, 444KB). This option will be presented during your application for incorporation.

A copy of the constitution signed by the subscribers ('shareholders') shall be kept at the registered office of the company.

Any alteration of the constitution will involve passing of a special resolution. The company will also have to submit a copy of the special resolution and a copy of the altered constitution to ACRA via Bizfile+ ('Notice of Resolution' transaction) within 14 days.

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